Explain how to promote positive partnerships when working with users of services, professionals and organisations in health and social care services
February 19, 2020Does the article refer to all western ways of eating like vegetables or fruits that are produced using GMO’s?
February 29, 2020Learning outcome 5 Describe the importance of safeguarding legislation and policy, codes of practice and standards of care within health and social care.nnBetts, V et al (2014) Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults. Nursing Standard. 28(38), 37-41.nnDepartment of Health & Social Care (2011) Safeguarding Adults: The Role of Health Service Practitioners. London: Stationary OfficennDepartment of Health and Social Care (2018) National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare & NHS-funded Nursing Care. London: Stationary OfficennDepartment of Health and Social Care (2015) The NHS Constitution for England. London: Stationary OfficennDepartment of Health and Social Care (2006) National Health Service Act 2006. London: Stationary OfficennDepartment of Health and Social Care (2014) Care Act 2014 [online] available from http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2012/7/contents/enactedn