Describe the mathematical concepts that are present in the creative or scientific work and what you understand about the mathematics.
April 28, 2020Outline the survey data so that your peers can understand the variables and results. Then identify at least one key statistical inference formula involving two of more parameters that you could use to evaluate the data.
April 28, 2020Question Description
nnPart InnChapter 7 tackles the basic mechanics of portfolio calculations. Articulate how to calculate returns using historical price data.n
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- Discuss why you would perform this type of analysis in your final project. (CVS company)
- Why would you need to calculate the covariance of the returns?
- What is a normal distribution and why is it important? (Source: pp. 318–320)
nPart II (CVS)nnPrompt: In Milestone Four, you will construct a draft of your interpretation of results. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:nnIV. InterpretationofResultsn
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- Calculate the operational performance metrics you selected, and analyze the results of your calculations in terms of the company’s needs andthe intended purpose of the financial model.
- Discuss how you would most appropriately convey this analysis to the following decision makers, being sure to articulate the distinctionsnecessary to effectively present to the specific audience:n
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- Your supervisor (Ensure that you defend your rationale.)
- Your horizontal managers and/or colleagues (Ensure that you defend your rationale.)
- The financial institution considering granting you a line of credit (Ensure that you defend your rationale.)