What were the major Characteristics of Communism? Did the Ideas of marx invevitably lead to the horrors of Stalinism? Why or Why not.
April 28, 2020-Why do you think many Americans are interested in socialism? Can socialism cure some of the ails of our capitalistic society? Why or why not?
April 28, 2020Question Description
nn1.What was the origin of Renaissance learning? How did Renaissance thinkers approach the classical period?nn2. How was humanism a reaction to the 14th century? How was humanism religious in nature?nn3. What did the approach of representational art change?nn4. What happened to Latin?nn5. How did the concept of “the state” change? What did statecraft entail?nn6. Why did the Renaissance begin in northern Italy?nn7. How did the Renaissance serve as a “culture of consumption”?nn8. How does Machiavelli typify the Renaissance?nn9. Why is the person of the courtier important?nnSources:nnOn the Liberal Arts—how does the author justify the curriculum he proposes?nnThe Book of the Courtier—what talents are needed for the success of the courtier?nnThe Myth of the Renaissance—what is Burke’s argument here?Is he saying there is no such thing as the Renaissance?nnwill provide sourcesnn