Importance of Family in American Indian Culture Video Paper
April 28, 2020.What was the origin of Renaissance learning? How did Renaissance thinkers approach the classical period?
April 28, 2020Question Description
nn1.What were the major Characteristics of Communism? Did the Ideas of marx invevitably lead to the horrors of Stalinism? Why or Why not.nn2.What were the Major Characteristics of Nazism? Did the Ideas Of Nazism inevitably lead to world war 2? Why or Why not.nn3. What were the Major Causes and Consequences of World War 2?nnWho or What is the Following? What is their Significance in Western History? Answered Should be one to two full Sentences.nnFriedrich EngelsnnDas kapitalnnTsarNicholas 2nnAlexandra kollontainnForced collectivizationnnMein kampfnnKinder,Kuche,KirchennBrown shirtsnnAnschlussnnMunich AgreementnnPearl HarbornnBlitzkriegnnHolocaustnnD-Daynn