Describe your family’s race and ethnicity, sex and gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, disability, age, religion and spirituality.
May 13, 2020Consider the differences and similarities between a museum and a department store.
May 13, 2020Your paper should be structured as follows: 1. Introduction (approximately 150 words). 2. The body of your assignment needs to address the following 2 sections: a. Describe the social or human services issue you have chosen (approximately 800 words). b. Critically analyse the social or human services issue that you have chosen. To analyse and make sense of your discussion of the social or human services issue, you need to adapt a critical perspective through which to ‘view’ your argument. You will use concepts and themes discussed in this course to analyse the impact of social changes under globalization on the particular human service or social issue you have chosen to focus on. Please use case study or practical examples to demonstrate your analysis where-ever possible (approximately 1,400 words). 3. Conclusion (approximately 150 words).