How to Create a Positive Organizational Culture in a School
May 18, 2020Apply the sociotechnical debate to assess the role of the Internet and social media in social movements.
May 18, 2020The general topic of the paper is what is the American dream and its effects on one or more characters in The Great Gatsby. To start your essay, use the following F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (verb of your choice) The outline that you need to attach to your paper will look like this: Thesis statement First sub-thesis sentence Second sub-thesis sentence Conclusion Also the essay needs to answer to this following questions: 3. Do you have an outline at the end of your paper, unnumbered? 4. Is the works cited page correctly formatted? 5. Do you have double spaciing? 6. Do you have a title, and does it hint at your thesis? 7. Your outline should have four parts to it; does it? 8. Paper 2 should have an opening paragraph, a five-paragraph segment forming the first part of the body of the paper and a five-paragraph segment forming the second part of the body of the paper. Finally, it should have a closing paragraph; does it? 9. Is the overall content of the first segment’s five paragraphs based on Paper 1? 10. This first segment of the body should be developed by information-level methods of development, examples and descriptions. 11. The overall method of development for the second segment of the body of the paper should be at the analysis level using cause and effects. 12. Do you have a clear mode of order for cause and effects? 13. Do you have “first” for the first five-paragraph segment and for the second five-paragraph segment? 14. Do you have the correct transitions to introduce your closing? 15. Is there an effective relationship between thesis and conclusion? 16. Do you have three pieces to your opening and to your closing? 17. Do you have at least four quotes from the novel? 18. Did you use MLA guidelines for your quotes, including signal phrases, in-text citations, and a works cited page? 19. Is your last page an unnumbered page that is your four-sentence outline? Introduction Begin with a sentence that will catch the reader’s interest. This might be a question, a reason people find the topic interesting or important, or something the two subjects have in common. Then name the two subjects and say they are very similar, very different or have many important (or interesting) similarities and differences. Paragraph 2–20 sentences The next paragraph(s) describe features of the first subject. Be sure to include examples proving the similarities and/or differences exist. Do not mention the second subject. Make new paragraphs to avoid very long paragraphs. Paragraph 3–20 sentences The next section must begin with a transition showing you are comparing the second subject to the first. For each comparison, use compare/contrast cue words such as like, similar to, also, unlike, on the other hand. Be sure to include examples proving the similarities and/or differences exist. Make new paragraphs to avoid very long paragraphs. Conclusion In the final paragraph, give a brief, general summary of the most important similarities and differences. End with a personal statement, a prediction, or another snappy clincher. Organization and Mechanics • The paper has an overall opening thesis and overall closing conclusion. The thesis is the first sentence of the paper, and it starts exactly this way– F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby [your choice of verb] The thesis is one idea You more than likely do not need to use because you will start to use more than one idea. The conclusion starts exactly with– In conclusion, [the next word is lower case unless it’s a name or title] The paper has three major 5-paragraph segments. The three supporting paragraphs in each segment (a total of nine paragraphs are about 20 sentences each. Each opening paragraph of each of the three segments has a sub-thesis that supports the thesis and leads to the conclusion. • The thesis and the conclusion are aligned in content. The conclusion is slightly more evolved. Method of Development Your first 5-paragraph segment is developed by examples with descriptions. Your second segment is developed by cause and effect. Your third segment is developed by comparison and contrast. All supporting paragraphs are fully developed with about 20 sentences each. Transitions You use First, Second, Third, to start the three 5-paragraph segments. You use In summary, In conclusion, to start the overall closing. You use transitional paragraphs of about one sentence to move from segment one to segment two and to move from segment two to segment three. You use some effective transitional phrases and words to communicate your method of development: In the first segment developed by examples with descriptions, you might consider for example, to illustrate, or for instance. In the second segment developed by cause and effect, you might consider “as a result,in effect, one outcome is.” In the third segment developed by comparison and contrast, you might consider similarly,as opposed to, share,in contrast to. Mechanics Your paper meets English 101 standards for formal English usage. Your paper uses MLA citations correctly: In-text citations Works Cited page