Findings of Failure in The Communist Ideology from The Analysis of The Film Fresa y Chocolate
May 22, 2020Compare and Contrast Films Pulp Fiction and Crimes and Misdeamonors
May 22, 2020TOPIC There are many theories about educating diverse population;discuss some strategies of teaching diverse students that teachers should use in the classroom. __________________________________________________ The essay must be no more than 4 paragraph, maximum of 5 SHORT SENTENCES in each paragraph. __________________________________________________ requirement •Determine the purpose of writing to task and audience. •Provide a section that effectively introduces the topic. •Formulate a relevant thesis or claim. •Organize ideas and details effectively. •Provide adequate, relevant support by citing ample textual evidence; response may also include anecdotal experience for added support. •Use of a variety of transitional devices effectively throughout and within a written text. •Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from, or supports, the argument or information presented. •Use a variety of sentence patterns effectively. •Maintain consistent point of view.