Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation
May 26, 2020Describe the different types of third parties that have been formed in the United States
May 26, 2020Implications of the Policy Does the policy affect the material resources (tangible and intangible) available to the target population and/or the indirect target groups? Do these resources include additional or limited services, rights, and privileges? PUBLIC LAW 93-415 JUVENILE JUSTICE AND PREVENTION ACT OF 1974 Title I, Sec 102(b)(2) → to divert juveniles from the traditional juveniles from the traditional juvenile justice system and to provide critically needed alternatives to institutionalization Please read all of Title I, Sec. 102 and then focus specifically on part (b)(2) that has three components. Do not include the prevention part of (b)(2). Just focus on the diversion part and the alternatives part. All of the assignment questions should be directed to these two parts of (b)(2)