Explain The three most wheelchairs unloader used by disable seniors in the United States
May 27, 2020Discuss Manifest Destiny
May 27, 2020TOPIC: This Essay is based on the topic: “ Women’s Status in two uslim Majority States.” STEP 1: Read carefully the following essays: Ziba Mir-Hosseini(2006). Muslim Women’s Quest for Equality: Between Islamic Law and Feminism. Critical Inquiry 32 (Summer 2006) 629-645. http://www.zibamirhosseini.com/documents/mir-hosseini-article-quest-for-equality-2006.pdf Rinaldo, Rachel (2008). Muslim women, middle class habitus, and modernity in Indonesia. Contemporary Islam, Volume 2, Number 1 / March, 2008 https://media-proquest-com.ezproxy.lib.ryerson.ca/media/pq/classic/doc/1897738821/fmt/pi/rep/NONE?cit%3Aauth=Rinaldo%2C+Rachel&cit%3Atitle=Muslim+women%2C+middle+class+habitus%2C+and+modernity+in+Indonesia&cit%3Apub=Contemporary+Islam&cit%3Avol=2&cit%3Aiss=1&cit%3Apg=23&cit%3Adate=Mar+2008&ic=true&cit%3Aprod=Research+Library&_a=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%2BgIBTg%3D%3D&_s=B85QJsGgdDyUUEc3bs8W3pFx2gw%3D Both authors discuss how women’s rights in the modern Muslim state are undermined when either the state or powerful community members use Islam as a tool to deny women their full citizenship rights of autonomy and freedom. Women are also oppressed when community members resort to narrow interpretations of Islamic texts to restrict women’s rights. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between two papers paying special attention to: Topic: Main topic, issues identified by the author; Time period covered by the paper Kind of women and their struggles represented Context (provided by the paper or through your own research) Ideological character of the state History and Politics of the state and society History of Islam and modernization in the society History & Status of Women’s Rights: ( particularly in education, marriage, property, health, citizenship, employment, mobility, violence against women). Thesis (of the paper) the key thesis of each paper arguments presented by the author to support the thesis key concepts used by the author Critical analysis How persuasive was each author? What were the strengths and weaknesses of each? What conclusion do you draw from this comparison? Why. OBJECTIVE: Your essay must demonstrate that: You have read and clearly understood the essay topic. You have read and understood the key arguments and position of all both authors You are able to identify key political, historical, cultural and other contextual similarities and differences in the two societies. You are able to identify, explain and analyze the similarities and differences in the position of each author from the others. You may use any other material *from this course* to support your conceptual arguments. In addition you may use 1-3 other journal articles or scholarly reference sources for your data/background information. DUE DATE: November 10, 2017. No email or faxed submission. Submit in class or use Sociology Department Dropbox. 0.5 mark deduction for each day overdue. **Late submissions more than ONE week ** only through turnitin. LENGTH: Min 2000-2500 max words. GRADE: 25 marks. REQUIRED: Running header or footer on each page with student name, year and page number. STYLE: Times New Roman 12 point font; double-spaced: – The paper must have an introduction, a body and a conclusion. You may use the first person i.e. “I” or “We”. -Include a Title Page. -Provide a complete bibliography. -Use in-text citations with page numbers for all references to authors in addition to direct quotes. ** An essay without proper in-text citation may arouse suspicion of plagiarism and will be graded accordingly. GRADING CRITERIA Excellent (A- to A+), Good (B- to B+),Satisfactory (C- to C+), Adequate (D- to D+) or Inadequate (F) on the degree to which it meets the following criteria: A strong, clearly articulated introduction that directly relates the two essays to the topic Women’s Status in two Muslim Majority States.” Clear and concise summaries of each reading. Overall approach to the topic through its analytical and conceptual aspects rather than mechanical and descriptive discussion. Identify each authors key argument; compare and contrast their arguments. In what aspects are they similar; in what aspects are they different? Contextualize their arguments by referring to the different social, political and historical context being discussed in each article. Pinpoint and define the key concepts used by each author to make her key argument. Compare these key concepts; explain why each author uses a particular concept by situating it in the context of her argument/s. Avoid generalizing, sweeping and ahistorical Introductory statements e.g.: “men have always dominated women,” or “ In Muslim majority societies Islam is used to deny women rights”; ‘gender based violence is a common issue in society.’ Be specific e.g. In Muslim majority societies, Islam is often used to deny women’s equal rights.” Discussion is clear and logical. Demonstrate analysis, evaluation and reflection rather than description. Avoid mechanical superficial comparisons between what one scholar states or another. Compare their ideas and arguments not simply their words or statements. Careful use of quotes, facts, details from text: to support, illustrate and enhance rather than repeat, rephrase or restate. Structure and writing: Connections, transitions, flow of writing, sent