Explain how patients and consumers find valid and reliable information about health care providers and facilities.
May 27, 2020Discuss the relationship between the change agent and an overall social movement.
May 27, 2020hi. Pls follow the format of the essay i have attached. I have done the Introduction and methods part. What you need to do is to finish the Results – Findings from your participant-observation and interviews Discussion – Critically analyze why they think / behave in this way – is it related to our social norms, moral values, and cultural values? – Compare the past literature with your findings – are they similar? Or do you have any different findings from the past literature? Conclusion – Wrap-up, summary of your key points Remember, you should make up some results first. As real as possible. Pls provide data and examples!!! eg, 1. observation (where, when, what, why, who? ) 2. Interview (where, when, what, why, who? how many people you have interviewed? their background? ) 3. Questionaries (online/offline? data? ) etc.