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May 28, 2020How to complete an application for college, or a Job
May 28, 2020after reading the article provided on Professional Development in Early Childhood Programs, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2756772/ answer the following: 1.what are the two goals of professional development in early childhood education as according to this article? 2.what form of professional development listed do YOU most like to engage in and why? It can be more than one but describe which one works for what areas of growth for you. 3.what does the author see as the missing piece in research as it relates to early childhood professional development? 4.describe one experience you have had in professional development (coursework, lecture, workshop, staff training, etc) that you found exceptionally valuable. Describe it so that we can learn from you what worked for you.