Do you think the European Union should be allowed to continue ban GMO products?
May 31, 2020The Global Financial Crisis and the Efficient Market Hypothesis: What Have We Learned?
May 31, 2020 The main idea is clearly established and fully developed with specific details and examples. Organization is notably logical and coherent. Focus is consistently maintained. Vocabulary and sentence structure are varied and effective. Errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are few and insignificant. o Determine the purpose of writing to task and audience. o Provide a section that effectively introduces the topic. o Formulate a relevant thesis or claim. o Organize ideas and details effectively. o Provide adequate, relevant support by citing ample textual evidence; response may also include anecdotal experience for added support. o Use of a variety of transitional devices effectively throughout and within a written text o Demonstrate proficient use of college-level, standard written English (e.g., varied word choice, syntax, language conventions, semantics). o Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from, or supports, the argument or information presented. o Use a variety of sentence patterns effectively. o Maintain consistent point of view. o Apply the conventions of standard English (e.g., avoid inappropriate use of slang, jargon, clichés). I need the attached essay reviewed edited and revised. No more then 500 words 4 paragraphs.