How would you explain your choice to pursue a degree with APUS to a younger version of yourself?
May 31, 2020Write a 3 pages paper describing the difference between Stowe’s’ audience and Chernyshevsky’s audience?
May 31, 2020Pick ONE question to respond to in an essay. #1 A plot twist intrigues both writer and reader, but the seeds of that turn of events must be sown early to ensure its plausibility. Compare the ways in which at least two authors you have studied this semester have prepared the reader for these plot twists. #2 Characters in works of prose fiction are often running away or escaping from something or someone. Compare the means by which such flight is presented, and its narrative significance, in at least two of the prose works you’ve studied this semester. #3 Readers are often enticed by the idiosyncratic or quirky narrator. Compare how at least two authors that you’ve studied this semester have crafted such distinctive voices, and to what effect.