Challenges and Strategies Organizational growth and change is commonplace in today’s organizations.
June 9, 2020What are the main arguments of Inglehart on inequality and modernization?
June 9, 2020Reading Assignment 8 Managing Institutional Careers and Identities 33. The Moral Career of the Mental Patient, Erving Goffman 34. Suspended Identity: Identity Transformation in a Maximum Security Prison, Thomas J. Schmid, Richard S. Jones Organizational Structures, Ideologies, and Recruitment: The Non-institutional Backdrop 35. The Social Organization of Deviants, Joel Best, David F. Luckenbill 36. Managing the Action: Sports Bookmakers as Entrepreneurs, Phyllis Coontz Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages Due: Friday, March 24, 11:55 pm Answer two questions: 1. Describe Goffman’s “moral career of the mental patient” through its three phases. How is the patient’s self-identity thus gradually redefined in the context of the hospital as a total institution. 2. List and discuss Best and Luckenbill’s five propositions for the sophistication of deviant organizations.