Examination of an Operation Manager’s positon from any online recruiting agency
June 16, 2020Compare and contrast Ivan with Oedipus from Oedipus Rex.
June 16, 2020Use the definition of tragic hero from this video. How does Ivan fit the definition of a tragic hero? How does Tolstoy change our expectations of the tragic hero? Is this story a modern tragedy? *paper should be 300–500 words *Back up your arguments with evidence from the readings. *Be sure to use quote, summary, or paraphrase at least once. *Respond to the discussion prompt and demonstrate higher order thinking (apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, examine, pose, or connect to course concepts) *Follow MLA formatting and documentation guidelines when referring to course readings and other materials. *Any Internet sources you quote, paraphrase, or summarize must be cited Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation