Discuss Nutrition Counseling Services for Diabetic Patients
June 25, 2020Outline Worksheet and Final Paper Pre-Planning
June 25, 2020THIS IS A HEALTH LAW TOPIC, AND SHOULD INCLUDE LAWS ON THE SUBJECT MATTER The outline should expand upon your topic statement by providing detailed notes about the content and format of your final project. The outline should include major sections of the project, such as: (I) Introduction; (II) Background; (III) Proposed Solution; (IV) Conclusion, as well as subsections. Within each section, you should describe the information you plan to provide and points you plan to make. For each piece of information/proposition, you should include a citation for your support. The goal of the outline is to ensure that your final project will be appropriately organized with sufficient sources to support your propositions. Sections and subsections you have not had the opportunity to research or address should be marked and described accordingly, with enough information for a reader to understand the content to be included in such sections/subsections. All known sources should be cited with annotations describing how the source fits into the final project. An outline of your final project, as described in the syllabus and below, is due Rubric: The assignment is worth 100 points, which will be allocated as follows: Summary of Final Project and Detail Provided (content and analysis): 50 points Summary Addresses Content Comprehensive Analysis Support Sources: 25 points Quantity Quality Variety Citations Organization and Structure: 25 points Introduction Conclusion Body Flow Focus