Choose two public policies which reflect differences in political ideologies
June 25, 2020Discuss Nutrition Counseling Services for Diabetic Patients
June 25, 2020The topic statement must describe your topic and your foundation for using the topic for your final project. In addition, the topic statement should include a brief description of the research you performed to determine whether the topic is viable (i.e., can be expanded to meet the approximately 30-page requirement for the final project) and the additional research you intend to perform as you move forward with the project. The topic statement can be in either narrative or outline form (substantial outline, not just bullet points). Include the sources that you plan to use for the final project in the topic statement. A decent topic statement should be approximately 750–1000 words and include a description of the issue, background information, and what you plan to address in the final project. Ideally, your topic statement will include a thesis of some sort and a summary of your (preliminary) analysis, along with a skeletal outline of your final project and a list of definite and potential sources, with a brief summary of same. It is recommended that you use the “review” and track changes” features in Microsoft Word. Rubric: The assignment is worth 100 points, allocated as follows: Description of the topic and background information: 25 points Proposed outline/summary: 25 points Plan for researching and writing the final project: 25 points Source list (known and proposed): 25 points The Opioid Epidemic: The Overprescribing Of Controlled Substances By Medical Professionals Topic Statement 750-1000 -Description Of Topic -Background information Potential Outline Topics – what are opioids and background information on when the epidemic began -Possible Solutions For Opioid Epidemic (conclusion) -Social Impact Of Opioid Abuse -Opioid Epidemic affects on public health -How administering opioids leads to addiction -How the DEA affect clinical practices -Federal drug regulation: Programs and Laws _related current events Etc…… please add more laws as this is a health law and policy class so when creating the outline please use federal regulations in regards to controlled substances