How has the global rise of MNCs affected the fall of small businesses in India?
June 26, 2020How Research Benefits the Criminal Justice System Centervale councilman Parsimonious has requested your help on a budgetary matter.
June 26, 2020Use relevant cases(!) The book Bentley/Sherman,’Intellectual Property Law’ is a fast and easy way to get an overview over the topic and to begin research with. I need an essay on a postgraduate level regarding the topic above. It has to has at least 40 footnotes which will not be part of the word count and have to follow the OSCOLA system. Additional to that I need a bibliography, which is also not part of the word count. Arial font, 12 point and double spacing is required. A UK/EU focus is important, but not exclusive. The essay does not have to meet native speaking standards, though it should be carefully written and meet a reasonable vocabulary. Drafts are highly appreciated.