How is Enhanced Auditor Reporting being embraced in Australia?
June 29, 2020Types of controls and displays and how they are evolving
June 29, 2020INSTRUCTIONS AS FOLLOWED: Milestone 4: Methods and Results – Streamline methods from two articles (minimum) but thoroughly explain all background in methods; cannot simply state the methods used. Detail the span of study, region, population size, criterion for selection or explain how the experiments were conducted in detail. Put the results into simple tables, do not use overly detailed charts directly from the journals; these have poor resolution for presentation and critically understanding scientific writing means distilling key components. *** I attached some articles, so please feel free to use them for the methods and results, but you can also find your own. My topic for this paper is “college students who abuse adderall are at risk for depression” Preferably 4 methods would be great 🙂