Contemporary Issues in Management
March 8, 2023Do you agree with the ‘long decline’ paradigm for Late Byzantine history
March 8, 2023Contrast between Theories, Evidence, Beliefs and Biases
nProfessors name
nA theory is a set of principles or statements designed to explain a collection of facts or phenomena. Some theories are tested and applied to make predictions about natural phenomena. The goals of a theory are to predict the future as well as influence human perceptions over a particular issue. Theories are aimed to control human understanding about a natural phenomenon. The components of a theory are the constructs, the concepts and the definitions. Concepts are the acceptable characteristics with certain facts, behaviours, conditions or objects (Mosser, 2013).
nHypothesis are created using concepts. The constructs are ideas or images that are developed from a given research or a creation theory. Constructed are developed when an image or idea explains precisely what the user intends to transmit. Moreover, definitions are words that help an individual to avoid confusing the meaning of the theory. The validity of a theory can be ascertained through test procedures that explain observations under the principles provided for by a particular theory. Therefore, scientists develop and test theories validity through a set of procedures (Mosser, 2013). In this regard, they test hypotheses that are proposed by the theory to measure the validity.
nEvidence is data that tend to prove or disprove an event, something or situation. Data is any kind of information. Hence, all evidences are data but not all data are evidence. Sources of data/evidence are from people, places, images, artefacts and natural events. Data and evidence plays a crucial role in understanding a theory. This is because in understanding the concepts of a particular theory, data or evidence provide insights; prove causations into understanding the phenomenon (Mosser, 2013).
nDifference between a theory and personal practice
nTheories differ from personal beliefs. This is because theories are developed from some collections of data and models. In addition, theories are tested by empirically for external validity and models (Mosser, 2013). Therefore, theories are practical in attempts to explain and understand consequences of policies, actions, decisions for any universal situation.
nOn the other hand, a personal belief does not produce any sort of tested principles or facts. Therefore, the facts are both personal and belief that an individual relies on when making inferences. Furthermore, personal beliefs in most cases are influenced by personal experiences hence do not come from empirical data. These beliefs are useful to individuals in justifications of decisions, policies or actions. In addition, personal beliefs are used to justify due diligence between individuals (Mosser, 2013). In this regard, beliefs often represent a bias since they are developed from personal experiences rather than empirical data. Theories holds lesser bias hence it is easy to overlook biasness.
nMosser K. (2013). Ethics and Social Responsibility (2nd Ed.). Bridgepoint Education