Contemporary Issues in Management
March 8, 2023Do you agree with the ‘long decline’ paradigm for Late Byzantine history
March 8, 2023Name
nDietrich Bonheoffers Ideas of Christian Life
nDietrich Bonheoffer was a spiritual writer, pastor and theologian. He played a key role in opposing inhumane policies of Nazi regime in Germany. In his book, “The cost of Discipleship” he advocated that Christian life should be guided by complete devotion of Christ Jesus (Bonhoeffer, 4). In addition, a true follower of Christ should commit his/her strength, mind, soul and heart to Jesus. Desires or forces in this world should not compromise the life of Christians. Instead, Christians should understand the cost of discipleship meaning that they can sacrifice everything they have for Christ. Similarly, his ideals teach that Christians should be willing to serve Christ even during traumatizing trials. According to Bonhoeffer hard trials helps Christians to strengthen their faith in Jesus (Bonhoeffer, 7). He provided an example on how Christians should live even during hard times. Most notably, he risked his life for what he believed in.
nSummary of The Cost of discipleship
nThe book “The Cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonheoffer encourages people to be radical in their life. In this book, Bonheoffer explains to the believers the great freedom and cost of accepting the grace of God and being a true follower of Christ (Bonhoeffer, 10). In addition, he explains moral teachings based on Jesus teachings and utilized them in the personal life of people. He calls people to be Disciples of Christ, following the Jesus teaching. In this regard, disciples are required to be messengers of the world of God. Moreover, Bonheoffer discusses the disciples role with regard to the Body of Christ (Boice, 14). In this section, his discussion covers the price that disciples pay, and the kind of lifestyle they should adopt in order to work effectively as a messenger.
nIn the initial part of the book, he comprehensively explains grace. In this respect, Bonhoeffer noted that Disciples of Christ have a calling of “costly grace” rather than “cheap grace”. Bonhoeffer points out that costly grace require people to be committed to discipleship while cheap grace only advocate for reduction of sin (Bonhoeffer, 12). Most importantly, as a disciple of Christ, one must leave all his/her properties and be ready to follow Christ. In addition, disciples are required to be obedient to Jesus. Similarly, their lives must reflect the Christ desires by accepting to suffer and abandon earthly things.
nBased on the teaching on Sermon on the Mount, Bonhoeffer recommended that disciples should embrace extraordinary life. In this respect, people should discard worldly happiness and focus their minds on heaven. Furthermore, they must live a life that represents Christ rather than striving for individual glory. Similarly, they should practice Christ teaching in order to be righteous like Christ (Bonhoeffer, 20). Most importantly, disciples should be guided by self-denial hence sacrificing their lives for others. According to Bonhoeffer, disciples must reject the desires and lusts of the world. They should be guided by complete honesty to their brothers and sisters, and God. Most importantly, disciples must never get revenge to evil people (Boice, 47). On the contrary, they must accept to suffer through evil notwithstanding degree. Disciples are also required to demonstrate love to other people especially those who are evil to them. Bonhoeffer also noted that disciples should fast, give and pray but they should do this in humility to God rather than for self-pride. Additionally, followers of Christ should be messengers of the word of God in the world (Bonhoeffer, 29). Therefore, they must be ready to suffer and lose their lives in course of their mission. The messenger is only interested to gain Jesus and perform what God needs him/her to do.
nA true believer in Christ is part of Christs Body. The Body of Christ represent the presence of Jesus on earth. This Body also represent Jesus as the leader of the church. A true believer of Christ is full of the Holy Trinity. Through baptism, a believer is united with Christ. Moreover, through baptism, Christ takes a disciples sins and he/she becomes imitated to Christs image.
nIn conclusion, the book “The Cost of Discipleship” by Bonhoeffer recommends that Christians must be ready to suffer in order to meet stay according to Christs teachings. True followers of Jesus must be complete believers. The price that they must be willing to pay is through rejecting the desires and lust of the earth (Bonhoeffer, 30). In addition, they should be willing to lose their lives for the sake of Jesus.
nContrast and Comparison of Bonheoffers argument and modern Christian Life
nBonheoffer arguments advocate that all Christians should have radical discipleship. In addition, he uses his teachings on Sermon on the Mount to discourage materialism among Christians. Moreover, he considers cheap grace as the hindrance to many Christians and therefore, asks for costly grace. In this respect, Bonhoeffer challenges modern Christians to oppose evil in the community (Bonhoeffer, 13). For instance, during the time, Bonhoeffer was against the Nazi government because of its anti-Semitism policies.
nIn addition, his arguments differ from the modern Christian life on racism. In this respect, he encourages Christians to go against the earthly forces to segregate human being based on their religion, colour, faith or race. Bonhoeffers argument differs in modern Christian life in terms of supporting the truth. The Bible on John 8: 31-32 supported his arguments, which encourage Christians to be guided by truth in order to be true Disciples of Christ (Boice, 140). The church was not guided by truth because it did not resist Nazi government in its policies.
nIn the contemporary society, most Christians have become submissive to authoritarian government hence they are not willing to say the truth. According to Bonhoeffer, true disciples should not be intimidated to speak the truth because of the punishments they are likely to receive from bad government (Boice, 142). Similarly, modern Christians should be willing to lose their freedom when the stand by the truth.
nIn the modern society, people including Christians are characterized by dishonesty. Bonhoeffer noted that disciples of Christ should be avoid lies such as self-serving lies, political lies and social lies aiming to acquire power (Boice, 143). Therefore, true Disciples of Christ must be ready to sacrifice their lives in order to protect the truth in the world. Bonhoeffers arguments also differ with modern Christians because he discourages comfortable lifestyle. Therefore, according to Bonhoeffer, Christians should fast and help less fortunate members in the society (Boice, 145). They should also be forgiving to other people.
nOn the other hand, Bonhoeffers argument is similar to modern Christian life because they valued respect of human, equity and reserve. Christians are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of good governance that protect the dignity and equality of every member of the society. Bonhoeffer noted that the core responsibility of every human being is to defend the equality of all men (Bonhoeffer, 15). Therefore, Christians are encouraged to be courageous in fighting all powers that deny the human dignity of the fellow men. Peoples resistance in the society should be guided by Christian morals and beliefs.
nIn this regard, the book “The Cost of Discipleship” encourages self-sacrifice for the sake of Christ and fellow me. Such values have more power over the life of bad government, corruption, and discrimination in the world (Boice, 146). The church should be promoting these values among Christians.
nHow Bonhoeffers arguments shape church and Community
nBonhoeffers argument on discipleship shapes both the church and community. For instance, he advocates for fellowship of all Christians on his teachings on Body of Christ. Bonhoeffer argued that a person could not be believer of Christ unless he/she commit his/her life to fellowship (Boice, 139). In this regard, church leaders such as pastors, priests and bishops should do more than just preaching.
nThe action of clergy and communities should reflect the will of the Christ. In addition, his writings are important because they condemn cheap grace. In this respect, modern church and communities should not be compromised on their faith on worldly things. Most significantly, his writing encourages the church and people to oppose evil in the communities (Bonhoeffer, 33). Bonhoeffer was the only church leader who opposed Hitler at the time while others supported the dictator. Based on this example, the church and community must stand against hard issues.
nWork Cited
nBoice, James Montgomery. Christ’s Call To Discipleship. [Place of publication not identified]: Kregel Pubns, 2013. Print.
nBonhoeffer, Dietrich. The Cost Of Discipleship. New York: Touchstone, 2014. Print.