Diverse Populations and Health Care
March 8, 2023Employee Commitment, Motivation and Cultural Intelligence
nLeadership is regarded as the key factor in employees commitment and motivation in different organizations. The failures or success of any organization depends on the manner in which leadership influence commitment and satisfaction of employees. Employee commitment refers to the psychological affection to the firm or organization (Kumar & Pansari, 2015). Most importantly, studies have indicated that this is important to the organization because it affects job performance, organizational behaviour and turnover. moreover, leaders with high levels of cultural intelligence facilitates the employees performance and satisfaction by being considerate of the effects of cultural values a persons introduced to the workplace (Petrie, 2011). Cultural intelligence also plays a crucial part in recognition of weaknesses of the diverse individuals represented by culturally different employees.
nEmployee Commitment
nA study by Petrie, (2011) noted that employee commitment is considered a core prerequisite for the efficient implementation of operational processes, projects and the positive execution of firms transformation programs. Specifically, employee commitment inspires workers to contribute fully in their daily duties and efforts as well as defending the company. Furthermore, committed workers attend their responsibilities and obligations regularly and support the objectives and goals of the organization. They are able to stick with the company in bad and good times. Therefore, scholars imply that committed workers are devoted and loyal to the organization and project team they work for (Petrie, 2011). Employee commitment is believed to be emotional attachment of the workers to the firm hence he/she is able to identify himself or herself with the company. Moreover, it promotes robust desire to safeguard membership with the firm. According to Al-Asfour & Lettau, (2014), employee commitment has positive effect on the job performance because it reduces turnover, lateness and absenteeism. Consequently, having committed workers assigned to a program team has possibly favourable consequences for firm and project performance (Al-Asfour & Lettau, 2014).
nA study conducted by Mencl & Lester, (2014) noted that one of the greatest challenges that leaders in an organization face is the way to sustain engaged and happy employees. Moreover, ensuring organizational commitment among the employees should be a priority. Committed workers facilitate high productivity and more profits. On the other hand, workers possess the same enthusiasm to change as their professional and personal situation adapt to their needs in their professional career (Mencl & Lester, 2014). Therefore, employee commitment is vital as it help to retain top talents. Precisely, by engaging in these activities it enables the worker to feel motivated and valued and hence become a loyal asset of the organization (Petrie, 2011).
nKumar & Pansari, (2015) suggested that one of the major activities of enhancing employees commitment is by establishing the professional growth opportunities. Workers are attracted to an organisation, which offer a chance for them to have a favourable impact on firm and professional growth in their career. Most workers are determined to establish a psychological attachment with the company by creating strategies to improve and adapt to their position. In fact, workers are satisfied when they recognize the opportunities for growth and progression (Kumar & Pansari, 2015). Therefore, organizational leaders should collaborate with their workers to facilitate their career growth. For instance, the managers need to have consistent meeting with their workers to understand how they view they work and determine where they need capacity building (Al-Asfour & Lettau, 2014). Finally, the managers must have open communication and should promote team bonding.
nNatalie Allen and John Meyer formulated a Model of Employee Commitment, which describes that organizational commitment is a psychological act, which comprises three different components that influence the manner in which workers feel about their company (Kumar & Pansari, 2015). The three elements include Affective commitment, Continuance commitment, and normative commitment. Firstly, affective commitment refers to the affection for the employee job, which takes place when a person feels a robust emotional bond to the firm, and his/her work (12manage.com). Therefore, they are more likely to recognize with the values and goals of the organization hence want to remain with the firm (Petrie, 2011). If the workers are happy and enjoy their work, they become satisfied. Subsequently, job satisfaction increases their sense of affective commitment.
nSecondly, continuance commitment refers to the fear of loss which takes place when an employee asses the cons and pros of quitting the firm (Sarros, Luca, Densten & Santora, 2014). Workers feel the need to remain in the company since the loss they would experience by quitting is more than the benefit they believe they might acquire in a new job. Some of these professed losses can be monetary such as benefits and salary, social losses such as allies or friendships and professional including seniority (Al-Asfour & Lettau, 2014). The magnitude of these losses normally rises with experience and age. A worker is more likely to suffer from continuance commitment if he/she has a successful and established role or has benefited from several promotions within a firm (Petrie, 2011). Thirdly, normative commitment refers to instances when an employee have a feeling of obligation to remain in a firm even in circumstances when he/she is unhappy at work or is determined to get better opportunities. In such instances, they feel to remain with their firm since it is the appropriate thing to do (Sarros, Luca, Densten & Santora, 2014).
nCultural Intelligence or Cultural Dimensions
nThe globalization of trade has made the operation of business to be more competitive, dynamic and complex hence the capacity to run efficiently in diverse cultural setting is more crucial for companies. Therefore, employees who display high sense of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) have higher chances of success (Schullery, 2013). More importantly, workers who hold a high value of cultural intelligence are able to reduce knowledge and division gaps among employees in a firm. In this way, they play a crucial part in educating their colleagues about various cultures hence transferring information between unrelated groups. Furthermore, they assist in establishment of interpersonal links and promote better interpersonal associations among workers from multiple cultures (12manage.com).
nA study conducted by Schullery, (2013) noted that culturally intelligent workers also hold the ability to initiate creativity and innovation because of their capacity to incorporate different resources. Similarly, they assist the organization to maximally utilize various opinions and insights from a multicultural labour force that exist in the company (Schullery, 2013). Such capacity goes beyond the normal intelligent, having social skills or being emotionally competent. Brown et al (2015) noted that employee engagement and culture are one of the common challenges that companies experience across the globe. The study noted that nearly 87 per cent of companies acknowledge that these issues remain their top challenges. Companies that establish culture witness good employee engagement, excellent work, organizational and job fit, and robust leadership. However, evidence point out that in the majority of firms, there is low employment engagement. In this regard, only 13 per cent of the worlds labour force is highly engaged. In the current corporate world, the workers are like consumers hence the firm must treat them like volunteers (Brown et al 2015). Leaders in an organization should understand the top-down models for organizational culture. Since the world has changed on how corporates interact with their employees, the management should ensure that the workforce is continually linked to their jobs. Currently, jobs require cross-functional team groups that often connect individuals together a faster rate. Furthermore, mobility, development, empowerment and flexibility play a special part in defining the culture of organizations.
nEmployee Motivation
nEmployee motivation is an important component in any organization because it helps to enhance creativity, commitment and energy levels of workers in a company. Development of strategies to motivate employees is challenging task among most managers. A wide range of employee motivation models have been proposed to enhance the employee empowerment and incentives provisions. Research has indicated that workers motivation in the current society has changed since most of them concentrate of the work-life integration, mission and purpose (Brown et al 2015). Therefore, the firms management must ensure that the workplace integrate employees development, work environment, management, job design and leadership. Similarly, most of the workers across the glove are inspired in their jobs based on their passion as opposed to career ambition (Schullery, 2013). Therefore, managers should concentrate on establishing the job environments enjoyable and exciting for all type of people. Significantly, the employee motivation is not only the job of the Human resources but all other people in the company. Scholarly evidence support the idea that employee who are motivated to work are more likely to deliver better customer service and have minimum intentional rates of turnover. Similarly, they are more profitable over the long run (Brown et al 2015).
nHigh-Level Analysis of Current or Past Workplace
nMultiple generations and cultural differences present many kinds of advantages and challenges in the workplaces. Multi-generations and multicultural workforce comprises of workers with a broad range of age difference, race, national origin and culture (Al-Asfour & Lettau, 2014). Some of the advantages associated with this kind of setting include, different insights and broader coverage. Multicultural and multi-generational workforces are beneficial because it promotes different insights from the employees on challenges and issues. Mencl & Lester, (2014) noted that individuals from diverse cultural settings introduce their own special cultural skills and experiences to the daily challenges they encounter in their organizations, which tends to permit for a better final resolution (Mencl & Lester, 2014). Secondly, multicultural workforces offer a wider coverage to the company in the international marketplaces. Al-Asfour & Lettau, (2014) argued that a firm that runs in ten nations could meet the needs of different markets better if it hire workers conversant with them. The capacity to correctly write and speak the language, overwhelm barriers in the new culture, which helps to understand the needs and wants of their customers (Al-Asfour & Lettau, 2014).
nHowever, multicultural workforce is associated with different challenges. Firstly, it increases the likelihood of discrimination. Workers with diverse traits are able to initiate prejudices against one another. Consequently, it creates cultural differences ad conflicts, which hampers the success of the business. Secondly, multiculturalism negatively influences internal communication of the firm because of distinguishing cultural barriers and languages. Miscommunication has a potential to lead to low morale among workers (Al-Asfour & Lettau, 2014).
nIdeas for a Topic of Study
nThe ideas of how a leader should use psycholinguistic framework through their language to motivate employees is most interesting. It comprises of three types of language in communication. Firstly, leaders should have the perlocutionary language, which helps to minimize uncertainties and gives direction (Sarros, et al, 2014). Secondly, locutionary language should be used to describe the values, structure and culture of the organization. Thirdly, empathetic language should be used to promote interpersonal relationships and human bonding such as tributes for good job in the organization.
nThe assignment and readings explores the importance of employee motivation, cultural intelligence and commitment in an organization.
nLeadership influences commitment and satisfaction of employees. Employee commitment inspires workers to contribute fully in their daily duties and efforts as well as defending the company. Committed workers are devoted and loyal to the organization hence they identify themselves with the organization (Mencl & Lester, 2014). Moreover, it is associated with positive effect on the job performance because it reduces turnover, lateness and absenteeism (Sarros, et al, 2014). On the other hand, workers who hold a high value of cultural intelligence are able to reduce knowledge and division gaps among employees in a firm. Subsequently, they play a crucial part in educating their colleagues about various cultures hence transferring information between unrelated groups (Petrie, 2011). In terms of employee motivation, the four-drive model is a holistic process of exploring the motivation of the workers beyond their earning structure.
nAl-Asfour, A., & Lettau, L. (2014). Strategies for leadership styles for multi-generational workforce. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 11(2), 58. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1535387467?accountid=28180
nBrown, D., Chheng, S., Melian, V., Parker, K., & Solow, M. (2015). Culture and engagement: the naked organization. Global Human Capital Trends: Leading in the New World of Work, 35-41. https://dupress.deloitte.com/dup-us-en/focus/human-capital-trends/2015/employee-engagement-culture-human-capital-trends-2015.html
nKumar, V., & Pansari, A. (2015). Measuring the benefits of employee engagement. MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(4), 67. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1694713041?accountid=28180
nMencl, J., & Lester, S. W. (2014). More alike than different: What generations value and how the values affect employee workplace perceptions. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21(3), 257-272. doi:10.1177/1548051814529825
nPetrie, N. (2011). Future trends in leadership development. Center for Creative Leadership white paper. http://www.ccl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/futureTrends.pdf
nSarros, J., Luca, E., Densten, I., & C. Santora, J. (2014). Leaders and their use of motivating language. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 35(3), 226-240. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1108/LODJ-06-2012-0073
nSchullery, N. M. (2013). Workplace engagement and generational differences in values. Business Communication Quarterly, 76(2), 252-265. doi:10.1177/1080569913476543
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