Evaluate management theories- OCB, Employee Engagement and Proactive Behavior.
May 29, 2020Is addiction a disease?
May 29, 2020* This chapter is about the general definition of the concept of culture, and the relationship between culture and the peacekeeping mission: this relation has to cover these areas: 1. The relationships between peacekeepers who are coming from different cultures, races, ethnicities and religions. 2. These relations should be studied in terms of the following cultural dimensions that defined by Hofstade and Bannet. A. Ethnocentrism vs Ethnorelativesm. B. Low context culture vs High context culture. C. Power distance D. Individualism vs collectivism E. Uncertainty avoidance F. Polychromatic vs monochromatic . 3. The Process of Integration (Intercultural sensitivity on the workplace): The process of integration that Milton Bannet explained needs to be presented in this chapter: for example how a peacekeeper can integrate and be adopted to the multinational culture of the peace force. – steps of Integration: (1) Denial (2) Defense (3) Minimization (4) Acceptance (5) Adaptation (6) Integration . All these above dimensions from (A-F) should be explained in terms of the relationship between the peacekeepers themselves from one side, and between the peacekeepers and the locals in the host country from the other side. Other notes: – This paper should include at least 30 scholarly resources. – Plagiarism test will be conducted on this paper on school lap – Quality of writing is essential. – this paper will be a chapter of my thesis which titled as: “CULTURAL DIVERSITY EFFECTS ON THE SUCCESS OF THE PEACE KEEPING MISSIONS”