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March 8, 2023CTE Legal Issues Article Review
nProfessors name
nOn 30th July 2014, President Obama assented into law the bill on Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This bill provides for development of workforce and funding for adults and youths job training programs. This legislation modernizes and reauthorizes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (NASDCTEc & CTE, 2014). The new law requires that the Departments of Labour and Education should develop policies for local and state areas to execute the provisions of WIOA. NASDCTEc will continue to provide updated information that ensures that CTE community is up-to-date in the implementation process.
nThe new legislation affects current CTE because it alters the funding of one-stop infrastructure. The act has also increases the capacity of Perkins so that CTE activities are administered efficiently (NASDCTEc & CTE, 2014). Moreover, it also abolishes “sequence of services” that were provided for in WIA. The act consolidates these services to “career services” that helps in efficient management and evaluation of special needs in individuals who need these services.
nFurthermore, WIOA has consolidated the 15 current legislations designed to improve efficiency. It has also reduced the size of state and local workforce development boards as well as permitting these boards to contract directly with community colleges (NASDCTEc & CTE, 2014). Accountability is also improved through introduction of accountability sections such as Common Performance Metrics. In addition, the legislation provides for better integration of CTE programs of study (POS). Under reauthorized Perkins act, the CTE programs at state and local level will achieve greater results. This legislation is affecting the CTE programs in the states because it will increase the funding allocation and better utilization of allocated funds (NASDCTEc & CTE, 2014). It will also improve the competitiveness of the workforce in U.S and across the globe.
nFederal government funds the CTE programs through the Carl D. Perkins act of 2006. This act provides several requirements that a state district must comply with prior to receiving funds. The funds provided are split between secondary and postsecondary institutions (ACTE, 2014). Under the Perkins act, the institution that is providing CTE programs must have efficient accountability systems. Pursuant to this legislation, secondary and postsecondary institutions must provide separate core indicators of performance. The grantee must also develop and implement plans that limit fiduciary sanctions (ACTE, 2014). Perkins IV permits eligible agencies to merge their funding under Tech Prep programs into Basic Grants Programs.
nAll postsecondary and secondary institutions in the State should provide a minimum of one approved CTE programs. The CTE programs in the state should lead to proficiency of technical skills, industry-recognised certificate or degree. Furthermore, Perkins IV provisions are outlined in title I and II. The congress provides grants for the state under title I while title II specifies requirements for Tech Preps grants allocation (ACTE, 2014). Carl D. Perkins Vocational Act was enacted in 1984, which provided for job skills through technical and vocational education. It also had provisions for individual with special needs to ensure that they access vocational trainings easily. In 2006, the act was reauthorized to provide for efficient accountability systems. The act was renamed to Carl D Perkins career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) (ACTE, 2014). In every financial year (FY), the federal government allocates funds to states for improvement of postsecondary and secondary career and technical education.
nThe sustainability of CTE programs can be improved through well-informed legislation. Members of the congress should make laws taking into accounts the decisions of CTE stakeholders (ACTE, 2014). Therefore, there should be proper mechanism to deliver the feedback of information to and from congress.
nSchool District Program
nCTE has facilitated for various programs in school district. For instance, the program on business and finance has been success in providing a head start of business management and career planning. The program also offers crucial courses such as bookkeeping, inventory management, entrepreneurship, banking, accounting and penmanship (Wang, & King, 2009). In addition, program on business and finance has successfully organised competitions where the students compete. Such programs include Annual National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge and Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship. It also facilitates the students to join Business Professional of America (Wang, & King, 2009). These help them to compete for scholarship dollars. Accounting and entrepreneurship programs help learners to manage businesses and finances.
nAssociation of Career and Technical Education (ACTE),. (2014). Carl D. Perkins Act Implementation. Retrieved 1 August 2014, from
nNASDCTEc & CTE,. (2014). Legislative Update: Congress Announces Agreement on Workforce Development Legislation | NASDCTEc/NCTEF. Retrieved 1 August 2014, from HYPERLINK “”
nWang, V. C., & King, K. P. (2009). Building workforce competencies in career and technical education. IAP