Diverse Populations and Health Care
March 8, 2023Emerging technology utilized by a business
nTechnology refers to the utilization of scientific information for practical reasons particularly in industry (Crispim & Pinho de Sousa, 2009). The transformation in the information technology has greatly contributed in the renovation of businesses. Currently, new software has been initiated for various business activities. For instance, enterprise software is very useful because they enable easier transactions (Boitor & Hertanu, 2012). The world of information technology is ever changing and fast-paced hence new applications have been launched (Benlian & Hess, 2011). Some of emerging technologies that fit in the context of the contemporary trends in IT include artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and facial recognition technologies.
nThe world has witnessed a significant rise in the artificial intelligence over the past decade. In this regard, efforts have been made to develop thinking computers that will significantly assist in renovating businesses. As compared to natural intelligence possessed by humans, the artificial intelligence involves the use of machines that have the capacity to recognise their environment and respond in a manner that optimize its likelihoods of success at problem solving and learning. How they fit into the contemporary trends in IT
nHow they add value
nRisks associated with their implementation
nExpected impacts on the end-user community
nTraining needed
nMaintenance of these technologies