Did it make you morally sensitive and more likely to act upon your moral beliefs?
June 10, 2020Cyborgian Symbiosis & the issue of Ownership
June 10, 2020Paper three uses oral history and autobiography to elucidate and examine gastronomy’s role in the lives of present day Americans. The project requires students to trace the history of their favorite food ( SPAGHETTI) to demonstrate the role of multiculturalism in modern America. Oral history and cook books will provide the majority of data for this project. Specifically, interviews with(Grandpas/Grandmas) should help you learn where the recipe comes from, how it came to America, and the reasons for any ingredient changes in the current recipe. The narrative of the paper should use the interviews and cooking instructions to explain the way(s) the recipe represents modern American culture. Look to Kurlansky and to some extent Wallach and Sandage for examples of where recipes come from and how they develop. Also remember your favorite food(SPAGHETTI) is American in some way because frankly you are making it and eating here.