Limitations of leadership in criminal justice organizations
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nAccording to Coulanges, language is not a sole indicator of nationality; rather, love of the homeland (patriotism) is the real indicator of nationality (Herrick, 45). This clearly shows that linguistics approaches do not define nationality in any sense. However, the cultural factors that are present in the heritage of patriotism determine nationality. Moreover, Coulanges argues that, what distinguishes a nation from another is neither language nor race (Herrick, 65). What makes a nation is men feel in their hearts that have common ideas, hopes, interests, affection, memories and affection. Therefore, the nation and nationality are influenced by the citizens love, interest and devotion towards the national activities irrespective of their language or race.
nBy 1871 there was political unification of Italy and Germany that forced the European nations to scramble for empires in Africa. The colonies provided economic resources for industries and the image of national prestige (Wulah, 58). In addition, European nations wanted more land to settle its growing populations. Furthermore, new colonies in Africa provided new markets for domestic industries. Charles Seignobos describes that between 1880-1900 African states was partitioned against major countries in Europe and no improvement or civilization had begun (Wulah, 58). Therefore, he describes that the real object of the study was the partition of Africa among the civilized world.
nThe poem “white mans Burden” by Kipling explains duties the white people were supposed to carry out in civilizing the rest of the world (Duiker, William and Jackson, 28). The poems further suggest that it is the responsibility of the white man to colonize and rule other nations for the growth and development uncivilized people. Therefore, the author describes that both the people and the duty to civilize them represent the “burden” of the white people. In addition, the poem tends to justify the imperialism policies administered by the white people in other colonizes (Duiker, William and Jackson, 38). Furthermore, the poem suggests that the western cultures and Eurocentric racism should dominate all the developing nations.
nThe poem is based on the biblical allusion of Christian missionaries. The Christian missionaries were supposed to spread the gospel to all the nations (Duiker, William and Jackson, 76). The white people believed that they were sacrificing their happiness to spread Christianity to savages across globe. However, in contrast, white man scramble and partition as well as colonization of Africa, Asia and the rest of the world, led to a lot of suffering for the natives.
nWorks cited
nDuiker, William J, and Jackson J Spielvogel, The Essential World History 1st ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2008. Print.
nHerrick, Jane. The Historical Thought of Fustel De Coulanges 1st ed. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1954. Print.
nWulah, Teah. Aya Africa. 1st ed. Bloomington, IN: [1stBooks Library], 2003. Print.