Limitations of leadership in criminal justice organizations
September 22, 2021Billabong International Brand Audit
March 8, 2023Benefits of Fish Oil
nSummary of the purpose/aim of the study
nFish oil is one of the most important dietary supplements because it has a wide range of health benefits. It has omega-3 fatty acids that are very important in the body. A wide range of studies has pointed out that the supplements are useful for the better health of the heart, treatment of psychological disorders, and may assist in weight management among obese persons (Maroon & Jeff Bost, 2016). It also controls allergies and depression among patients suffering from these conditions. Omega-3 is also crucial in the body because it assist in treatment of mental ailments and reduction of particular symptoms associated with bipolar disorders and schizophrenia. Studies have indicated that fish oil eliminate some of the symptoms linked to mental illnesses. It is very essential in strengthening hyperactivity and attention in children. Supplementation also improves perceived aggression, impulsiveness, inattention, and hyperactivity in kids. The supplements can be used by pregnant mothers and infants since they facilitate early development and growth. In addition, they enhance IQ level or learning among children. Omega-3s are critical in normal development of eyes and brain. Therefore, supplementation with fish oil can play a significant part in the improvement of health conditions of the people. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) were employed to determine the effects of fish oil on health o the body. In addition, RCT method was utilized because it enabled manipulation of the variables. The study was composed of control and comparison groups. The findings of the study indicated that fish oil has a wide range of benefits for the healthy body. The purpose of this study is to determine the benefits of fish oil in strengthening the health and well-being of the populations.
nFish oil is a product extracted from the oily fishs tissues. Fish oil is endowed with the omega-3 fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which are essential in maintaining a healthy body. Therefore, they are often used as dietary supplements (Maroon & Jeff Bost, 2016). It is normally derived from oily fish such as mackerel, anchovies, tuna, and herring. However, at times, it is generated from some fishs livers such as the cod liver oil. Reports by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that individual must consume 1-2 parts of this oil on a weekly basis. The omega-3 fatty acids offer a wide range of health benefits including assisting defense against a series of diseases (Bandarra et al., 2014). Moreover, experimental evidence have recorded that fish oil is useful because it strengthens hyperactivity and attention in children. Most of the behavioural disorders in kids such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) encompass inattention and hyperactivity (Howe & Buckley, 2014). The paper will examine the fish oil, methodology, and the findings of the study.
nThe pharmacotherapeutic agent (Fish oil)
nResearch by Pase et al., (2015) indicated that fish oil is crucial for heart health. In fact, heart disease is one of the top contributors to mortality across the globe. Empirical evidence has noted that persons who feed on many fish record reduced the risk of heart diseases. There are a series of risk factors for heart disease. The use of fish oil tends to eliminate most of these risk factors. For instance, it raises the levels of good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) although it does not eliminate the harmful cholesterol (Pase et al., 2015). The study also noted that the fish oil minimizes triglycerides by between 15-30 per cent. Furthermore, it can lower the blood pressure and fatal arrhythmia events. Arrhythmias are irregular rhythms of the heart, which can lead to heart attacks in specific cases.
nAccording to Howe & Buckley, (2014) fish oil is beneficial to humans because it helps eliminate some mental disorders. The human brain is composed of approximately 60 per cent fat and a large proportion of this is omega-3 fatty acids. Other studies have recorded that omega-3s are vital for normal brain development (Howe & Buckley, 2014). Persons with mental have been found to have minimal omega-3 in their blood. Furthermore, a study by Kim et al., (2014) have indicated that supplementation of fish oil can control the onset of certain mental disorders. For instance, it may lower the risk level of psychotic disorders among persons at risk (Kim et al., 2014).
nAccording to Bandarra et al., (2014) supplements from fish oil can assist in the reduction of waist circumferences and weight. Obesity refers to body condition where an individual has a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30. Nearly 39 per cent and 13 per cent of adults are overweight and obese respectively across the globe (Bandarra et al., 2014). The problem is even higher in affluent countries such as the US. Obesity can substantially raise the risk of other ailments such as type II diabetes and heart diseases. A research by Vacca & Valenti, (2015) indicated that in obese persons, supplementation with fish oil could enhance the composition of the body and eliminate risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Indeed, the study discovered that a combination of physical exercise, diet, and supplements of fish oil could assist in loss of weight (Vacca & Valenti, 2015).
nSince omega-3s occupies a substantial percentage of the brain, having an adequate amount of it in the brain plays a major part in averting behavioural illnesses in early life. According to Nichols et al., (2015) supplementation of fish oil may enhance perceived aggression, impulsiveness, inattention, and hyperactivity in children. Similarly, the study noted that these supplements could assist in the improvement of anxiety and depression. The majority of persons with depression tend to have lesser blood intensities of omega-3s. Studies have confirmed that fish oils such EPA can contribute to lowering the symptoms associated with depression (Nichols et al., 2015).
nBased on the findings by Nichols et al., (2014) omega-3s are valuable in the body especially in early life and during pregnancy. In fact, they facilitate early development and growth. For this reason, mothers are encouraged to take adequate fish oil during the breastfeeding period or pregnancy. The supplements of fish oil during these periods may assist in strengthening the eye and hand synchronization in infants (Nichols et al., 2014). Nonetheless, the studies have not established whether it expands IQ and learning. The studies also discovered that it promotes visual progression and assist in minimization of allergy risks.
nPursuant to the study by Sprague et al., (2015), fish oil may reinforce eye health and support the protection of vision in senior age. More importantly, older persons are continually affected by deteriorating vision, which can contribute to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Interventions using fish oil have shown to control AMD because it improves vision (Sprague et al., 2015). Similarly, it has benefits related to the lessening of inflammatory disorders. In this regard, it contains anti-inflammatory characteristics that can assist in the treatment of diseases that encompasses chronic inflammation (Pase et al., 2015). For instance, use of fish oil among obese and stressed persons can assist in lowering the gene expression and manufacture of inflammatory cells called cytokines. Simpson, McConville & McCormack, (2015) noted that they can also help to minimize stiffness, joint pain, and treatment needs.
nThe sample and sampling strategy
nThe study utilized random sampling of study respondents who were eligible to participate in the study. Randomization was initiated through a computer-based randomization to regulate for confounders and to facilitate homogeneity of both groups. Each group (intervention and control group) will have a sample size of 125 persons. The sample will be recruited from outpatient patients at the local hospitals. They will be evaluated for eligibility by the research assists for suitability (Nichols et al., 2014). Eligible respondents included individuals who provided an informed consent. Systematic random sampling was utilized to recruit samples in order to achieve proper representative sample.
nMethodology (randomized controlled trial)
nThe adopted Randomized controlled trial (RCT) with an intervention utilizing fish oil while the comparison group involved persons who did not use fish oil (Simpson, McConville & McCormack, 2015). The design was embraced for this study since it was deemed suitable to illustrate the cause and effects via the manipulation of study variables. Data collection was conducted after 6 months of the intervention through the interviewer-administered questionnaire (Nichols et al., 2014). The data collection tools were administered via face-to-face interviews. Data analysis was conducted via the SPSS version 21. Multivariate linear regression was adopted to determine the association between dependent and independent variables.
nBased on the findings of this study, it is evident that fish oil has significant positive health impacts. Firstly, 65 per cent of the respondent in the intervention group recorded improvement in terms of heart health as compared to 15 per cent of the control groups. In this regard, the fish oil consumption was attributed to 19 per cent reduction in the triglycerides. Moreover, 53 per cent of the research subjects in the intervention groups registered weight loss as compared to those in the control group. Furthermore, 30 per cent of the patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in the intervention group demonstrated improvement of eye health after the intervention. Patients with symptoms of anxiety and depression registered higher scores in terms of reduction of associated symptoms. Children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) registered advancement based on attention and hyperactivity measures (Maroon & Jeff Bost, 2016). On the other hand, children in the control group failed to demonstrate improvement in attention and hyperactivity. Finally, 45 per cent of the patients with allergies in the intervention group had reduced symptoms associated with asthma as compared to 5 per cent in the comparison group.
nFish oil has a series of benefits in maintaining healthy bodies and protecting against various illnesses. Omega-3s promotes normal development of eyes and brain. They also eradicate inflammation and can boost protection against heart diseases (Nichols et al., 2014). Since fish oil is endowed with omega-3s, it can facilitate elimination of different kind of disorders such as schizophrenia (Maroon & Jeff Bost, 2016). For these reasons, people are advised to increase consumption of fish oil. The intervention group demonstrated improvement in terms of better health outcome after using fish oil. On the other hand, the comparison group failed to demonstrate significant improvement in health outcomes. The intervention group demonstrated that the fish oil helped in lessening the inflammatory disorders (Howe & Buckley, 2014). Omega-3s has components that facilitated lowering of the complications such as stiffness, joint pain, and treatment needs. However, there was no evidence of fish oil expands IQ and learning in children.
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